Monday, 6 July 2015

Kim Scipes research trip to Philippines

Kim Scipes, Purdue University North Central (Westville, Indiana, USA) spent three weeks in the Philippines on a research trip (April 27-May 15, 2015), resuming his studies on the KMU Labor Center.  Scipes participated in the International Solidarity Affair, focused mostly on Metro Manila, and then traveled to Mindanao and Negros on his own afterwards, visiting banana, palm oil and sugar worker communities.  This was Scipes’ first visit to the country since 1994, and he plans on updating his 1996 book, KMU:  Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994.  (Quezon City:  New Day Publishers.)

Photo: Five men and a boy on a ‘Tri-cycle with Wings’, powered by a Honda 50 cc. motorcycle”—near Trento, Davao del Norte, Philippines

Sunday, 3 May 2015

The prize for Ch.Tilly's paper awarded by the Mexico Section of the Latin American Studies Association

The 2015 Prize of the Mexico Section of the Latin American Studies Association was awarded to Chris Tilly's paper (2014) Beyond “contratos de protección”: Strong and weak unionism in Mexican retail enterprises, American Research Review 49.